
Theo∙Boat∙ology is the blog for Winds of Grace, Inc. It is an outgrowth of our ministry: providing access to spiritual care and nurture through the availability of a pastoral presence among and within the community of those who live and recreate upon boats.

A common question we often get asked is why do you offer everything for free, you could charge a subscription fee? And it’s usually followed up with how do you make money?

So we’re creating this page to answer How is Theo∙Boat∙ology funded, and Why it matters to you!

Why is Theo∙Boat∙ology Free?

We believe that Grace is free. It’s a gift freely given and received, something to be shared. Rev. Joel has always felt he can never charge for the Sacraments. They are God’s gift to the world. We’ve intended the ministry to be kind of like that, too. At the same time, it does cost money to keep things going.

How Is Theo∙Boat∙ology Funded?

We have always believed in being honest and transparent with our audience. In our opinion, that’s the only way to build a community.

Running Winds of Grace (or our web-blog, Theo∙Boat∙ology) requires significant investment. Both on the server infrastructure part as well as on the content creation part. This doesn’t even include the person-to-person aspect where all good ministry happens.

So yes, we have to make money otherwise we would have to shut the ministry and the site down. Below are two primary sources that fund Theo∙Boat∙ology.

Your (and others) Donations

Over the years, we have received some small and some large donations that allow us to continue our ministry. Thank you.

One of our goals is to create a community of people who would be willing to support our work on an ongoing basis. For more information, look at our Donation page here and/or contact Rev. Joel here.

For all of you who have supported us this way, Thank You.

Referral Fees

We earn referral fees when you buy services from companies that we recommend.

We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers. We thoroughly test and use all products that we recommend. All opinions are our own, and we do not accept payments for positive reviews.

This monetization method is called affiliate marketing. The biggest brands on the internet offer affiliate programs such as Amazon, eBay, Google, etc. Many of your favorite sites use affiliate marketing to pay the bills.

The only difference is that not everyone tells their users how they make money.

Sometimes you will see banner ads.

Other times, you will see a special link unique to each website that track referrals.

When you click on one of these links, you are tagged with a special cookie to track the referral. If you end up buying the product, then they pay us a referral fee.

The referral fees vary for each product. Many of them are a percentage. We’ve seen anything from 0.5% to 10% depending upon the product, etc.

Question #1 – Will it Cost Me More Money?

No, absolutely not.

Question #2 – Do You See My Personal Details?

Nope. We don’t see any personal information i.e name, email, address, credit card, etc.

The only thing we see is that an anonymous user made a purchase on date/time and which product they bought.

How Can You Help Us?

Sites like Theo∙Boat∙ology takes a lot of investment to operate.

That’s why we need your help. Below are few ways you can help us:

  • Continue to keep us in your prayers.
  • We’d welcome all donations.
  • If you’re thinking of buying a product, then please buy it using a Theo∙Boat∙ology referral links.
  • If you’re using a product that we recommend, then please leave your review in the comments to help others.
  • Feel free to contact us with questions and/or ideas for blog posts you’d like to see.

Why Should You Help Us?

Over 2000 years ago a man called out to a boat filled with fishermen and no fish.  Jesus invited those on boats to follow him; to create a new society open to the surprises of God’s reign.  Jesus’ ministry began among those who live on boats.

Four simple words: They live on boats.

This is why we go.

If you’ve found Theo∙Boat∙ology to be helpful, then we hope that you will help support us, so we can continue working towards our mission of sharing God’s grace with others, allowing it be as free as the wind.

Thank you for support.

Blessed Be,

Rev. Joel
Chaplain/Director of Winds of Grace

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