Welcome to Theo∙Boat∙ology


Where Theology and Boats intersect as we explore the spirituality of the sea and shore. Plus some of Rev. Joel’s sketches, and maybe some more things of interest as time allows. We hope you enjoy. Thanks for sailing by.

Below you will find a listing of the latest Blog Posts, followed by a listing of the latest Art Posts. I tend to be posting more Art Posts than Blog Posts at the moment – so those are fresher.

Anne once said that we sail with one hand in God’s pocket.
I think we live our lives that way, too.

Peter (and Anne) Pye. The Sea is For Sailing. (1957).

Blog Posts

Here is a sampling of Blog Posts you will find here. To scroll through the complete list click here: Full Blog

Art Posts

Here is a sampling of recent Rev. Joel’s Art posts, to see more click here: Rev. Joel’s Art.

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