The Reality of Discernment

Oh, if only discernment entailed looking skyward to see the heaven’s opened, and a dove descending with a scroll to our outstretched hand. Sigh. That never seems to be the reality.

For my wife and myself, the reality of discernment has always entailed more soul searching and taking a closer look at our spirits and the Spirit.

If the enneagram has any wisdom to impart, it is that we humans (at least) are made up of three parts: (a) our gut/instincts/body; (b) our feelings/emotions/heart; and (c) our head/mind/intellect. Of course, part of the problem is that we get stuck in one of these “centers.”

So, discernment can be tricky unless we look at how to bridge the three elements.

Imagination can be helpful: what happens if we do or don’t do what is before us? What is the worst possible outcome? What is the best? What is the likely outcome?

Then we pay attention to what our three centers say: any bodily response? What are we “feeling”? Does our “intellect” give us any clues?

Of course, the tricky situations are choosing between two (or more) good options (or the best of two worst). I don’t know many people who struggle to discern between a good and a bad option (whatever that might be for you).

How do you work through Discernment?


Earlier this spring, we went through a discernment process ourselves.

One of my colleagues announced her retirement. I had covered for her while she was on a three-month sabbatical a few years back, so I knew the church. The church is in a neighboring community. And, I’ve been feeling a longing to go back into parish ministry.* After some prayerful reflection, we decided God might be calling us this way. Consequently, I threw my name in the hat. Starting July 1, I will be moving back into the parish ministry setting at this local church.


At the moment, I’m thinking of keeping the blog going to some extent and we’ll just see what happens.

Blessed be


*For those who don’t know, I have been serving what we in the United Methodist Church refer to as an Extension Ministry (or what used to be called an Appointment Beyond the walls of the Local Church). This blog has grown out of that ministry (Winds of Grace).


Currently I’ve still been reading Cynthia Bourgeault’s, The Wisdom of Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind – A New Perspective on Christ and His Message.



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The Wisdom of Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind – A New Perspective on Christ and His Message




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