The Clinic Waiting Room

There are times in the practice of ministry where I find myself in the waiting room, accompanying someone who is undergoing a procedure or surgery of one sort or another. I usually bring a book so I can be interrupted. Today, I decided to try sketching on the tablet. I thought this might be more approachable.
#PleinAir #PleinAirSketching #SketchWhatYouDo
#SketchWhileYouWait #SketchForToday #Sketching #Sketch #DigitalArt #DigitalSketch #Concepts #ConceptsApp #ConceptSketch #theoboatology


This is from the Rev. Joel’s Instagram feed: Rev.Joel’s_art. Feel free to give the feed a like and a follow.

If you’d like to see the go-to art supplies Rev. Joel is using as he started his second sketchbook of 2021, check this link: Current Art Supplies (7 Aug 2021).

If you’d like to see what Rev. Joel started the year using for art supplies, check this link Collection of Art Supplies at the Beginning of the Year (2021).

Thank you for following along and the support.

via Instagram
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