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Found Dollar

I found a dollar bill this morning. Had to dry it off. It was found in a puddle of water. So when I came home, I decided to give it a go as a sketch. . . . #DollarBill #SketchWhatYouSee #SketchForToday #QuickSketch #Sketching #Sketch #DigitalArt #DigitalSketch #Concepts #ConceptsApp #ConceptSketch #theoboatology ______(\____________/)______ This is from the […]

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Crocheted Santa

for the Feast of St. Nicholas. Still working on the figuring out Concepts. . . . #SketchWhatYouSee #SketchForToday #QuickSketch #Sketching #Sketch #DigitalArt #DigitalSketch #Concepts #ConceptsApp #ConceptSketch #theoboatology ______(\____________/)______ This is from the Rev. Joel’s Instagram feed: Rev.Joel’s_art. Feel free to give the feed a like and a follow. Joel is currently using the Moleskin Art […]

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Playing again with digital art. . . . #DigitalSketch #DigitalArt #SketchWhatYouSee #SketchForToday #QuickSketch #Sketching #Sketch #Concepts #ConceptSketch #ConceptsApp #theoboatology ______(\____________/)______ This is from the Rev. Joel’s Instagram feed: Rev.Joel’s_art. Feel free to give the feed a like and a follow. Joel is currently using the Moleskin Art Collection Sketchbook and the Winsor & Newton Cotman […]

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In honor of my Aunt who loved the ones in glass bottles. But today, plastic will have to do. . . . #Cocacola #StillLife #SketchWhatYouSee #SketchForToday #Sketching #Sketch #PenAndInk #InkAndWash #InkAndWatercolor #FountainPen #WingSung698 #deAtramentisInk #Watercolor #WindsorAndNewton #PentelWaterBrush #MoleskineArtSketchbook #theoboatology ______(\____________/)______ This is from the Rev. Joel’s Instagram feed: Rev.Joel’s_art. Feel free to give the feed […]

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Now here is something that’s crispy. Toast is crispy. Bacon is crispy. Lettuce is crispy. Tomatoes and mayo not so crispy, but, hey, they make it taste great. This makes up for yesterday’s Inktober fail. 😆 Now why do I suddenly have a craving for a sandwich? Inktober prompt: Crispy (not crusty) 🙄. . BTW […]

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What is left over after the processed PBnJ “sandwiches” are stuck in their plastic bags? This is also what happens when you glance at the Inktober prompt and read “crusty” rather than “crispy.” 🤣 I’ll have to catch-up tomorrow. . . . #InktoberWrongPrompt #Inktober #Inktober2021 #SketchForToday #Sketching #Sketch #PenAndInk #CrossHatching #CrossHatch #FountainPen #Duke209fude #NoodlersInk #NoodlersBulletProofBlack […]

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