Seine Net Reflections: the 2nd Sunday of Easter

Here are the reflections for the 2nd Sunday of Easter. We explore the Lectionary Readings for this Sunday and reflect on other bits and pieces of interesting information the net has brought to our attention.

Just as a seine net pulls up all sorts of things, some unexpected, so I think of this Seine Net Reflection post, as it grabs bits of information off the net.

If you would like to see a page with the previous reflections, you can follow this link.

The Lectionary Readings for today

Scripture Lessons for this Week: the 2nd Sunday of Easter:

Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133; 1 John 1:11 – 2:2; John 20:19-31

Reflections on the Scripture

As I have mentioned, two of the books I highly recommend reading during the B Lectionary cycle are Ched Meyers. Binding the Strong Man and Wes Howard-Brooks Becoming Children of God. Both books are well worth checking out and reading closely. Meyers closely examines Mark while Howard-Brooks takes a close look at John.

Both of these books take a deeper look at the Resurrection accounts, too.

If you would like to take a deeper look at the Resurrection through images I recommend referring to Sara Crossan and John Dominic Crossan’s Resurrecting Easter: How the West Lost and the East Kept the Original Easter Vision.

A Quick Look at Acts

Bernie showed up in my sketchbook a while back, just like he showed up in lots of places. I guess, he’s showing up here, too.

On a more serious note: look at how the community comes together to care for one another “as each had need.” This passage helped to shape monastic life. These readings give us an example of how to act in the world.

I find it interesting that there are some who read the scriptures literally, who skip this (and the Jubilee passages) while arguing for other societal mores.

I tend to think that this passage (just like the Jubilee passages) is more hopeful that actual. By that I mean, this is the way we should be operating in the world, rather than a description of what actually took place.

Now to John’s Resurrection Experiences

Here are a few thoughts to ponder during this first Encounter.

  • The community is still hiding in fear of the Judeans/Romans. See my earlier post regarding crucifixion of all the followers, not just the leaders.
    • Where do we find ourselves “hiding”? How does Christ come to us?
  • Jesus suddenly appears and breaths upon them. This is a Pentecost Story for John’s Gospel.
    • Where have we felt the “breath of God?”
  • It is only after these events have taken place that we are told that Thomas was not there. And then that Thomas doubted the entire events. Notice how Christ appears a second time to meet Thomas where Thomas is at. We tend to give Thomas a negative connotation for doubting, but Jesus doesn’t.
    • Where do we doubt? Where does Christ come and meet us where we are?

Quote from Gospel of Thomas

The following is a quote from the Gospel of Thomas. In 1945 the Gospel of Thomas was recovered amongst the Nag Hammadi scrolls in the Egyptian desert. It is now largely accepted as authentic teachings of Jesus. The Gospel of Thomas differs from the other Gospels in that it is a collection of sayings rather than a narrative. Part of this saying might be familiar to you from the other Gospels, but when reading this version, how does it challenge your views of John’s account of “doubting” Thomas?

If you are searching,

You must not stop until you find.

When you find, however,

You will become troubled.

Your confusion will give way to wonder.

In wonder you will reign over all things.

Your sovereignty will be your rest.

Eco-Camper Van DIY Conversion and Other EV Stuff

Now that vaccinations are starting to roll out, some friends of ours are starting to talk about gathering friends for some weekend camping adventures. For us, this reminds us of the road trip we wanted to take last summer to celebrate our 25th Anniversary. Needless to say, the virus canceled that trip. So the day-dreaming kind of started again.

[I know, I do find it kind of funny that when we live on a boat, we were contemplating a road trip. But we do like the land (even land higher than the high-tide line). Besides, this would have been a great way to see family and friends and National Parks.]

And then the follow videos showed up in my feed. The first is regarding converting an e-NV200 into a campervan. Other videos in this series speak of the traveling they have done to Scotland, around Europe, and then a climbing trip through Spain. The couple is based in Wales. Oh, if only the United States would increase our power charging stations! But out here in the West, there are long distances between towns, etc. Dare we make such a trip in one?

The second video was regarding Arrival, an UK electric car company starting to manufacture in the United States. What I found particularly interesting was the way in which this car company uses a modular form of manufacturing. In addition, the explanation as to why it is so hard for the other manufacturers to switch their production methods was also eye opening.

And then, of course, this video showed up in which Matt Ferrell speaks of whether renewable energy is here to stay. I thought this might be interesting to include also.

A Spiritual Practice

Rather than giving an example of a spiritual practice this week, I’m inviting you to do so some reflection. We do not often speak of it (think of it, either?) but we are all engaged in religious practices.

What do you do when we awake in the morning and head off to work? On the other end of the day, what do you do before you go to bed?

What I invite you to reflect upon is those things that you do that allow or help your True Self to show up. It may be a partner that notices. My wife has often commented that it is when I’m sailing that my True Self often shows up. When do others notice your True Self showing up?

I also invite you to notice what activities help to center yourself. Perhaps you notice yourself more centered after you’ve meditated. On the other hand, maybe your “open” after a walk, or sketching, or gardening. When do these moments occur for you?

This week, I invite you to pay attention to these things with a reflective attitude of prayer. Then notice what happens when you treat these activities as an active form of prayer.

Blessed be

Currently I’ve been reading Cynthia Bourgeault. The Wisdom of Jesus


A Word About The Links

Most of the links in this post are to other pages.

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Ched Myers. Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark’s Story of Jesus.

Wes Howard-Brooks Becoming Children of God

Sara Crossan and John Dominic Crossan’s Resurrecting Easter: How the West Lost and the East Kept the Original Easter Vision

Cynthia Bourgeault. The Wisdom of Jesus

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