Pacific Salmon & Trout (Friday, 13 March 2020)

I drew these from a card put out of by the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association while processing the days news (a year ago). Amazing to see where we’ve been in a year. Our Governor announced the closure of our schools in the State from March 17 through April 24, 2020. In our country, only 1 school district decided to hold in person classes on Monday (so students and teachers could prepare). All the other schools closed that Friday after the kids had left. Who knew the students would not return to in-person learning until this Fall with a hybrid method. (Some school districts in our state have only just returned to in person learning.) And yet life continues in new ways, vaccinations are rolling out and most of the puppies and dogs, kittens and cats in shelters were adopted, people occupied the streets calling for justice, and we learned new ways to gather. Wishing us all well as we continue on.




This is a from the Rev. Joel’s Instagram feed: Rev.Joel’s_art. Feel free to give the feed a like and a follow.
Joel is currently using the Hand Book Artist Journal and the Winsor & Newton Cotman Sketcher’s Pocket Box set. Joel is also using an Extra Fine nibbed fountain pen (a Wing Sung 698) with deArtimentis ink.
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