On the 2nd Sunday After Epiphany

A long time ago … I used to subscribe to a mailing. Yes. It came in the mail. I looked forward to it, as it came from the late Walter Wink. It consisted of a bunch of little tid-bits of information. He once mentioned that he would sit in the bathtub with a newspaper or magazine and a pair of scissors. Clip, clip, clip. He’d cut out anything he found interesting. (I have no idea if this was true, or he meant it as tongue in cheek).

At any rate, I hope this is provides a similar interest.

The Lectionary Readings for today

Scripture Lessons for this Week: 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany

1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20); Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; 1 Corinthians 6:12-10; John 1:43-51

First a Theme

One of the themes that resonated with me this week while reading the Lectionary Texts was of following and call. Samuel is called. Phillip and Nathan are called. And in the following is an invitation to a new life, a new way of seeing things.

How have you been called?

How has this sense of call challenged and changed you?

Did the call come from within; from a community; from without?

Where did mentorship (or other forms of learning) involved?

Did this sense of call give you new heroes/mentors to lead you onward?

Second Some Heroes

In my sketchbook I’ve been thinking about working with just ink washes, and working on getting better at drawing people, especially their faces. So I started the week with a wash of Joshua Slocum (the first person so sail single-handed around the world). Then, as tomorrow is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I attempted to draw the Rev. Dr. King. And I got thinking also about Dorothy Day, Howard Thurman, Harry Pidgeon, Henri Nouwen, Bernard Moitessier, among others.

Who would you include on a list of people who have been influential in your faith, in your hobbies, in your lifestyle? How have they challenged and changed you?

An External Link

In falling down a rabbit hole, I came across this article/blog post by another Rev. Joel who I’ve never met. He shares some insights into theological art, in the sense of depicting Jesus. Just another perspective in light of celebrating MLK’s birthday tomorrow.

A Take on Art and Theology: White Jesus When Black Lives Matter, by Rev. Joel Nickel

A Spiritual Practice

I thought adding a spiritual practice to this list might be helpful.

For this week, I thought I’d share a little about Spiritual Practices in general to get us started.

A spiritual practice is simply something that helps you connect to the Presence around us and within us. It is an activity that helps us to center into that Reality. It might be reading, Lectio Divina, Meditation, Contemplation, walking, art, etc..

I’ve found that the practice of being creative and sketching has become a spiritual practice. Which is one reason I’ve been posting some of the art I’ve done. It’s not that I think it is superb (I frankly think it is often wonky and could use work 😉) I post it to encourage you to start, too.

So this weeks spiritual practice is … sketching.

Blessed be

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