This was our first night Freedom Camping. It’s the main port for Christchurch, so quite close to the city (and easy to get to as evening was fast approaching).
The sketch out the back window came from the next morning as we were preparing to continue our journey.
By the way, having a straw (silicon in this case) in the water bottle is convenient. It means you can get a drink while driving on the opposite side of the road (from what you are used to) while shifting with the “other hand”, and feeling like you are back in Driver’s Education! (The fact that the lid is not connected any more, isn’t so convenient 🙄).
#SketchWhatYouSee #SketchForToday #Sketching #Sketch #PenAndInk #InkAndWash #InkAndWatercolor #CrossHatching #CrossHatch #BicPenDrawing #BicPenArt #BicPen #BicPens #PilotAcroball #PigmaMicronBrown #PigmaMicron01
#StaedtlerPigmentLiner #Watercolor #DanielSmithWatercolors #theoboatology
This is from the Rev. Joel’s Instagram feed: Rev.Joel’s_art. Feel free to give the feed a like and a follow.
Many of the art supplies are listed above under the hashtags (ie #sketch). Some of the art supplies change as Rev. Joel experiments, but if you’d like to see the go-to art supplies Rev. Joel was using as he traveled in New Zealand, check out this post: New Zealand Art Supplies (20 July 2023).
If you’d like to see what other supplies Rev. Joel has used over the years, these links might be helpful: Current Art Supplies (7 Aug 2021) or Collection of Art Supplies at the Beginning of the Year (2021).
Thank you for following along and the support.
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CvOU1xorsvj/