Happy New Year – Pastoral Letter

Dearest Community,

Happy New Year!

A friend of mine always divides people into two groups. There are the types who _______ and the types who don’t _______. You can fill in the blanks (i.e. those who get speeding tickets, hit deer, go to the movies, …). I always found this slightly funny, because I’ve always seen the world as more diverse than just two kinds of people. But then maybe that’s one of my friend’s groupings “those who see the world as more diverse and those who don’t.”

But maybe my friend has a point in regard to New Year’s Resolutions. Are you the type that makes them, and then forgets about them in a few months? Are you the type that makes them and then keeps them for an entire year? Or maybe you just don’t bother making one? (Ok, see there are more than two choices, here).

Humor aside, I do think it’s a good practice from time to time to evaluate what is important to us. Then we can make some adjustments to better fit our values. A couple of examples: If my friends are important to me, how do I make sure I make the time to hang out with them? If my spiritual life is important to me, how do I schedule the time for attend to the things of the spirit?

I tend to get a little squeamish with some of the New Year’s Resolutions we so often see in the media (TV to Social Media). So often these are assuming there is something inherently wrong with us.

Dare we continue to see ourselves (our True Selves) as created in the image of the Divine? Dare our resolutions/evaluations reflect more about our True Self?

No matter if you see there only being two choices, or see that there are many, know that you are cherished and celebrated for being just who you are – one of God’s Beloved Children.

Happy New Year,


The art for the thumbnail and this post is from Rev. Joel’s Instagram feed: Rev.Joel’s_art. Feel free to give the feed a like and a follow.

If you’d like to see the go-to art supplies Rev. Joel is using as he started his second sketchbook of 2021, check this link: Current Art Supplies (7 Aug 2021).

If you’d like to see what Rev. Joel started the year using for art supplies, check this link Collection of Art Supplies at the Beginning of the Year (2021).

Thank you for following along and the support.

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