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Now here is something that’s crispy. Toast is crispy. Bacon is crispy. Lettuce is crispy. Tomatoes and mayo not so crispy, but, hey, they make it taste great. This makes up for yesterday’s Inktober fail. 😆 Now why do I suddenly have a craving for a sandwich? Inktober prompt: Crispy (not crusty) 🙄. . BTW […]

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What is left over after the processed PBnJ “sandwiches” are stuck in their plastic bags? This is also what happens when you glance at the Inktober prompt and read “crusty” rather than “crispy.” 🤣 I’ll have to catch-up tomorrow. . . . #InktoberWrongPrompt #Inktober #Inktober2021 #SketchForToday #Sketching #Sketch #PenAndInk #CrossHatching #CrossHatch #FountainPen #Duke209fude #NoodlersInk #NoodlersBulletProofBlack […]

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When No One Carries Matches

How do we light the prayer candles? We revert to lighters. One of these gives a spark, which could light a fire. And then all those around … Inktober prompt: Spark. . . . #Spark #Lighter #BicLighter #Inktober #Inktober2021 #SketchForToday #Sketching #Sketch #PenAndInk #CrossHatching #CrossHatch #FountainPen #Duke209fude #NoodlersInk #NoodlersBulletProofBlack #MoleskineArtSketchbook #theoboatology ______(\____________/)______ This is from […]

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Prepare the Formation

Seagulls are a common sight around here. When I see the “after math” I sometimes wonder if it is practice. Do they fly in formations on bombing runs? Inktober prompt: Splat. . . . #Inktober #Inktober2021 #SketchForToday #Sketching #Sketch #PenAndInk #CrossHatching #CrossHatch #FountainPen #WingSung698 #deAtramentisInk #MoleskineArtSketchbook #theoboatology ______(\____________/)______ This is from the Rev. Joel’s Instagram […]

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What have we lost with the extinction of so many species? Inktober prompt: Extinct. . . . #Inktober #Inktober2021 #SketchForToday #Sketching #Sketch #PenAndInk #CrossHatching #CrossHatch #FountainPen #Duke209fude #NoodlersInk #NoodlersBulletProofBlack #MoleskineArtSketchbook #theoboatology ______(\____________/)______ This is from the Rev. Joel’s Instagram feed: Rev.Joel’s_art. Feel free to give the feed a like and a follow. Joel is currently […]

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Leaky Faucet

Some what drawn from imagination (the leaky part) and some what drawn from observation. I’ve fixed a lot of these over the years. Inktober prompt: Leak. . . . #Faucet #LeakyFaucet #Inktober #Inktober2021 #SketchForToday #Sketching #Sketch #PenAndInk #CrossHatching #CrossHatch #FountainPen #WingSung698 #deAtramentisInk #BrushPen #NoodlersInk #LexingtonGray #NoodlersLexingtonGray #MoleskineArtSketchbook #theoboatology ______(\____________/)______ This is from the Rev. Joel’s […]

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