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Pie Squared

#Pizza #pie (with extra #cheese and #olives) + #BerryPie for #PieDay. #PiDaySketch #Sketching #Sketch #QuickSketch #SketchQuickBeforeIEatThem #PenAndInk #InkAndWash #InkAndWatercolor #FountainPen #deAtramentisInk #Watercolor #WindsorAndNewton #GlobalHandBookSketchbook #theoboatology via Instagram ______(\____________/)______ This is a from the Rev. Joel’s Instagram feed: Rev.Joel’s_art. Feel free to give the feed a like and a follow. Joel is currently using the […]

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Powered Up

4th of 4 in the progress of the #MattiasAdolfsson inspired #Sketch of #Imagination #Battery collection. #Sketching #PenAndInk #InkAndWash #InkAndWatercolor #FountainPen #deAtramentisInk #BrushPen #NoodlersInk #LexingtonGrey #WindsorAndNewton #theoboatology______(\____________/)______ This is a from the Rev. Joel’s Instagram feed: Rev.Joel’s_art. Feel free to give the feed a like and a follow. Joel is currently using the Hand Book Artist […]

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Copper Top

3rd of 4 in the progress of the #MattiasAdolfsson inspired #Sketch of #Imagination #Battery collection. #Sketching #PenAndInk #InkAndWash #TwoTone #GreyScale + #Yellow #FountainPen #deAtramentisInk #BrushPen #NoodlersInk #LexingtonGrey #theoboatology via Instagram

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March Cones

A collection of cones from yesterday’s walk. #WalkCollection #ShorePineCone #FirCone #WesternRedCedarCones #AlderCones #QuickSketch #Sketching #SketchWhatYouCollect #PenAndInk #InkAndWash #InkAndWatercolor #FountainPen #deAtramentisInk #Watercolor #WindsorAndNewton #theoboatology via Instagram

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