A Blessing For Opening Day

Opening Day for many of us would normally be this coming Saturday. However, with many areas of the country and world closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I’m not sure how many gatherings are going to happen. As such, I thought I would share what I have used before as my “pastoral” portion of the […]

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An Easter Poem

The following is a poem from Ronald Rolheiser* about Mary Magdala meeting Jesus in the garden on Easter Morning (see John’s account). Somehow, this year I find this very moving. We are at a different time when gathering are not possible. There is something about how Mary touches on the things that we are experiencing […]

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Hello world!

I’m blogging again. The topics are going to range in Theology to Boatology. Under Theology will be general topics like: theology, bible, spirituality, liturgy, etc. While Boatology will include things like: boats, yacht design, small and large, oar, sail and motor, all things nautical. Get the title: Theo-Boat-ology. That intersection of spiritual and nautical themes. […]

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