Winds of Grace


We are currently in the process of shutting Winds of Grace down. However, we thought we would leave the following information up to see what we were doing. Rev. Joel is now back to parish ministry (as a local pastor).


Who We Are
Winds of Grace is an ecumenical Washington non-profit Christian mission agency. We provide spiritual care for the people living transient and non-traditional lifestyles. Starting in the North Puget Sound and the San Juan Island region of the Pacific Northwest, we provide a pastoral presence among the community living aboard and recreating upon their boats. Our faith in God who seeks us out and constantly invites us to join around the table shapes our ministry.

What We Do
Spiritual Care & Pastoral Availability ~ Winds of Grace provides access to spiritual care and nurture through the availability of a pastoral presence among and within the community. As the pastor lives aboard, visits, and sails in the community, there are opportunities for spiritual care and counseling to occur that otherwise would not be available.
Sustainable Lifestyle ~ Winds of Grace encourages sustainable lifestyle practices from a faith and stewardship perspective. Practicing such a lifestyle provides a practical rather than theoretical perspective.

How We Do It
Winds of Grace depends upon the generosity of others: congregations,
businesses, foundations and individuals. As we have been blessed with God’s grace, we depend upon the grace-filled generosity of others. All that we do is only possible because of this “great cloud of witnesses.” There are a number of ways in which you can donate. You are always welcome to talk to us about donation possibilities

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