A Pentecost Reflection

It is the day prior to Pentecost and I find myself needing to respond, and yet struggling to find words.

Tomorrow we celebrate the birth of the Church, the birth of the Spirit entering into all of humanity. We are given the gift of understanding across cultures and languages. We are given the gift of seeing that each and everyone of us is a beloved child of God. We are given the gift of entering into that belovedness together.

And yet …

And yet, we live in a very broken world. A world in which the very people who are to be protecting us are killing us. And once again, members of our large beloved community are no longer physically with us.

My heart is torn asunder.

And I don’t think you really need to hear my words today. So instead I’m sending you on to listen to other members of our Beloved Community.

Austin Channing Brown and her Trouble the Narrative is especially pertinent.

Rachel Cargle and you can find her on IG @rachel.cargle



Blessed be,


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