A Holy Saturday Meditation 2021

I wanted to give a shorter mediation than what I have been doing on Sundays.

So let us begin with the Lectionary Readings …

(By the way, if you would like to see a page with the Sunday reflections you can follow this link.)

The Lectionary Readings for today

Scripture Lessons for Holy Saturday:

Job 14:1-14 or Lamentations 3:1-9, 19-24; Psalm 31:1-4, 15-16; 1 Peter 4:1-8; Matthew 27:57-66 or John 19:38-42

Meditation on Holy Saturday

I usually do not officiate a service on Holy Saturday, nor do I usually have any sort of a formal mediation. However, this year, with the Pandemic still continuing, I thought it might be appropriate.

Questions about the Disciples

With yesterday’s Meditation giving context regarding Pax Romana, what do you imagine the disciples doing?

In some of the Resurrection accounts, we are told the disciples are “hiding,” which would make a lot of sense. I would image there would be fear over what would be happening next.

Wouldn’t there also be grief? The disciples had followed Jesus for three years, striving to understand and live into this new way of life called the Reign of God. Was it all over now?

Would there be anger? Not over the fact that one of them had betrayed all the rest, but over the fact that they did not see it coming. Would this anger also be intertwined with fear? Did the one who betrayed “our Lord” also betray the rest of us?

The Pandemic and Us

With some areas of the world experiencing not a second wave, but a third wave of the Pandemic, do we identify with the disciples? Hasn’t this past year (and more) felt like a long Holy Saturday?

We are in a liminal time period.

The old ways of doing things have ended. Will things ever return to a pre-pandemic way of life? It is doubtful.

But the other question is related: Do we want everything to return to the way it was? Aren’t there some things that we could change? Isn’t there a better way to be in the world and with each other? How can we live into a more grounded Reign of God?

Your Reign/Kingdom come

Your will be done

On Earth as it is in Heaven

We Wait for Resurrection

Because we know the “end of the story” we wait for Resurrection.

We wait for Resurrection, not Resuscitation.

How is the Spirit moving in the world? How is She calling us to cooperate?

Currently I’m re-reading Sara Crossan and John Dominic Crossan’s Resurrecting Easter: How the West Lost adn the East Kept the Original Easter Vision


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Sara Crossan and John Dominic Crossan’s Resurrecting Easter: How the West Lost and the East Kept the Original Easter Vision

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