4th Week of Advent – Pastoral Letter

Dearest Community,

Dear ones, we have entered the last week of Advent, and the start of Winter Break for our students and teachers.

I thought I’d take a moment and run through some of what this next week has in store for us.

On Wednesday evening, December 21 at 7:00 pm, we will hold our Longest Night Service. This is a service honoring the pain that some of us feel in the midst of holidays. In some places this service is also referred to as a Blue Christmas Service. While anyone is always welcome at any of our services, if you are feeling alone, feeling grief, or having a hard time with the season this year, this service is especially for you. (If you are watching from home, you might want to have a candle ready for part of the service.)

Saturday evening will be our Christmas Eve service at 7:00 pm. We’ve decided to hold one service this year. This service will consist of Lessons and Carols with a similar format to what we have done in the past. We hope to see you there. (If you are watching from home, you might want a candle to light when we sing Silent Night.)

Sunday morning, Christmas Day, we will have our Sunday morning service at 10:30 am. We know that for some of you, this might be a day that you are still unwrapping presents with little ones. You are welcome to come or watch via Zoom or Facebook Live. We are planning something a little more relaxed to be held in the Fireside Room.

Have a blessed last week of Advent.




The art for the thumbnail and this post is from Rev. Joel’s Instagram feed: Rev.Joel’s_art. Feel free to give the feed a like and a follow.

If you’d like to see the go-to art supplies Rev. Joel is using as he started his second sketchbook of 2021, check this link: Current Art Supplies (7 Aug 2021).

If you’d like to see what Rev. Joel started the year using for art supplies, check this link Collection of Art Supplies at the Beginning of the Year (2021).

Thank you for following along and the support.

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