3rd Week of Advent – Pastoral Letter

Dearest Community,

For the third Sunday in Advent, we celebrate “Joy.”

I’ve appreciated the Advent readings from Enfleshed this year. This week’s Advent reading is a good reminder that even in the midst of sorrow, we can find joy. And that joy doesn’t come without sorrow but co-exists side by side. That even though there are hard things, and pain, and even death, they don’t have the last word.

I’ve been thinking about these things as we’ve helped to host the Severe Weather Shelter over the last week. The amount of gratefulness for our church being willing to step-up and offer the space for this to happen is overflowing from the folks sheltering to the folks volunteering and organizing. Thank you.

I’ve been thinking about the joy of hearing little people (and their care-takers) who have been coming to the Tuesday Whatcom Early Learning Center’s Play and Learn. I’m sad to announce that next Tuesday (Dec 13) is going to be their last day here. At the same time, it fills me with joy to know that the Ferndale School District is going to be partnering with them starting in January after Christmas break. Thank you for providing the space for this to happen.

I’ve been thinking about joy as I’ve overheard the Evergreen Quilters exchange stories and show off their quilts. Thank you for providing space for them to meet and fellowship.

I’ve been thinking about joy as we overhear the High School students who park in our parking lot. The High School is down a parking lot this year due to the construction of the new school building. Sometimes there are frustrations as they forget to park along the Fire Station side, or leave a little litter behind, but they, too, are grateful. Thank you.

I’ve been thinking about joy as we receive the final count from the Thanksgiving Eve service offering – all going to Interfaith’s Family Promise: $425. It is a joy to work alongside these other two congregations to help make a difference in the wider Whatcom County community. Thank you.

I’ve been thinking about joy, and how joy is often tied into holy hospitality. When we can see the image of Christ in one another. It is a reminder that we continue to serve God-With-Us.

Blessings to each of you. It continues to be a joy to serve alongside you.



The art for the thumbnail and this post is from Rev. Joel’s Instagram feed: Rev.Joel’s_art. Feel free to give the feed a like and a follow.

If you’d like to see the go-to art supplies Rev. Joel is using as he started his second sketchbook of 2021, check this link: Current Art Supplies (7 Aug 2021).

If you’d like to see what Rev. Joel started the year using for art supplies, check this link Collection of Art Supplies at the Beginning of the Year (2021).

Thank you for following along and the support.

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