3 Way to Make Coffee Aboard

You might not know that it is coffee that keeps Theo∙Boat∙ology going. Lots of coffee. I know, I know, what is it with pastor’s and coffee?

Anyway, I thought it might be helpful to for you to know the three types of coffee making we use about our sailboat, day in and day out.

  1. Pour Over (i.e. Melitta Coffee Pot)

We were first exposed to this before we moved aboard. My Aunt and Uncle love coffee as much as any sane person. And at Thanksgiving, pots and pots are drunk as the family gathers. So, it was here that we first experienced this type of coffee. We really enjoy the flavor the pour over method produces. And to make a pot is simplicity itself. First, heat a kettle of water to boiling. While that is happening, grind some coffee and insert the filter. Then, dump the coffee into the filter. After the water is done boiling, pour over the coffee. We especially like this method as it is simple and produces a lot of coffee. Did I mention we like coffee?

  1. Moka Espresso-style Pot

I’m not sure who first exposed us to this method, but it is our second choice. There are now various sizes of pots, and when the time comes to get another, we’d go for the bigger size. This produces strong coffee that is like espresso, but milder. I’d rank it between an espresso and a pour-over. But this is great as a treat or for that off watch that is going to be a late one. Two advantages over the pour-over are (a) there is no need for a kettle to heat the water and (b) there is no filter needed. First, unscrew the bottom and add water up to the line. Then place the metal filter spout in and fill with coffee. Last, screw the top back on and its ready for heat. As the water warms it is pushed through the metal filter and into the top of the pot.

  1. French Press

When we first moved on board, this is what we used. Again, you do need another kettle to heat the water, but there is no need for a filter (as the plunger works as one). Another advantage is that you can adjust the “strength” of the coffee by how long it steeps and how many scoops you add. Our disadvantage is that the kids started drinking coffee. Which meant that there wasn’t enough for mom and dad. We did mention we like to drink coffee, right?

And there you have it, our three ways of making coffee on board. These methods are straightforwardly simple and can be done whether dockside (connected to shore power) or anchored off our favorite island beach.

Blessed be.

Currently reading The Sea and Civilization: Maritime History of the World; In Search of Paul: How Jesus’s Apostle Opposed Rome’s Empire with God’s Kingdom; and The Common Sense of Yacht Design

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